
Women's Health Massage & Yoni Services in Phoenix.

The benefits of the Yoni Steam combined with Mayan Abdominal Massage pack a powerful healing punch.

The Yoni Steam not only provides physical benefits of the specific herb blends but it allows the woman to be in a state of “receiving” allowing her feminine qualities to do what we are meant to do. RECEIVE. During this time the steam (water) allows greater emotions to come in and move through the sacred lower chakras in the body. Once the Yoni Steam is over the second part of the treatment is hands on. The body is now prepared to receive and relax into the abdominal massage done by Kim.

Yoni Steam

An herbal blend is steamed in a pot that is circulated through a curated wood box. The steam will gently penetrate the thin tissues of the vulva, vagina and into the uterus just as the skin would nutrients such as vitamin E.

mayan abdominal massage of woman

Mayan Abdominal Massage

This massage helps release negative emotions, pain patterns and stagnant energy holding you back from the years of stored or suppressed emotions in the lower energy centers of the body.

Yoni Egg Meditation

The use of a yoni egg and the specific meditation will help you connect your energy to the sacred yoni space.
The meditation consists of approximately 30 minutes of simple breath work, gentle body movements and affirmations to connect with the womb space.

Blue Lotus Tea Ceremony

This ceremony holds cultural importance in Egypt and certain parts of Asia. Historians believe that is was used in Egypt as a traditional medicine to treat an array of conditions and disorders.

Yoni Steam Blend Home Delivery Subscription Service

Yoni Steam Curated Box Bundle

For use in the privacy of your own bedroom, our curated yoni steam box will be prepared and shipped for your ultimate convenience. Learn more about this customizable handcrafted home use yoni steam session kit including video directions!

Yoni Steam Zoom Support

Accept experienced guidance during your yoni steam sessions from the comfort and privacy of your own home with a 45-minute Zoom Subscription!

1x/Month $60/45-min Session
2x/Month $50/45-min Session
Add your herbal blends (2 steam blends per month) to any zoom call subscription for just $18 plus shipping!